A Garden For Wondering

A tűnődés kertje

Kíváncsi lenne a tanítás újfajta megközelítéseire? Hogyan tudjuk a gyerekeket közelebb vinni a természethez? Hogyan lehet egy barátságos és hatékonyan működő közösséget létrehozni? Hogyan hat a kert az emberek megbízhatóságára és motivációjára? Hogyan tudja segíteni a játékosság a tanulást? Hogyan lehet egy kertet használni különböző tantárgyak tanításában?

Az Erasmus+ program keretein belül is elérhető két képzésünk célja, hogy válaszokat és lehetséges megoldásokat kínáljon ezekre a kérdésekre, és hogy a szabadtéri tanításban rejlő perspektívákat megmutassa. A részletes leírás és program az alábbi linkeken érhető el, angol nyelven:

A garden for wondering – The methods of outdoor learning in schoolgarden programs

A garden for wondering – Sustainability in schools, teaching outdoors

Kiknek ajánlott ez a képzés?

Főként általános- és középiskolai tanárokat és igazgatókat, oktatási tanácsadókat várunk, akik gyerekekkel foglalkoznak, és szociális munkásokat, valamint bárkit, akit érdekel ez a téma.

Milyen képességek és módszerek sajátíthatók és fejleszthetők a képzés során?

    • különböző tudományok/szakterületek tanítása a kertpedagógia módszereivel
    • tanterv és tanmenet tervezése, stratégiai gondolkodás a tanításban
    • kertpedagógia, a szabadtéri tanulás módszertana
    • a dráma az oktatásban módszertana a gyakorlatban
    • képességek, amelyekkel jobb vezető lehet valaki
    • közösségi kezdeményezések, közösségek létrehozásának módszertana
    • együttműködés, csapatmunka az oktatásban


Szabadtéri oktatás, tapasztalat alapú oktatás, (dráma az oktatásban, kertpedagógia), közösség


Learning Innovation Kft. 2000 óta foglalkozik céges és tanári képzésekkel, valamint nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezik az innováció és a szervezési fejlesztések területén.

Learning Innovation Kft. olyan projekteket kivitelez, amelyeken új oktatási módszereket, önismeretet, konfliktus- és erőszakkezelést lehet elsajátítani, miközben a környezettudatosság növelése zajlik az oktatás, a csapatépítés során a szervezetek és tanárok számára is. A gyakorlati és módszertani tapasztalatokon alapuló gyakorlat orientált képzéseink új inspirációt és megközelítést hoznak az oktatásba azért, hogy a tanárok módszerei még korszerűbbé váljanak.

A garden for wondering

The methods of outdoor learning in schoolgarden programs

A piece of nature, a park or a garden in the city offers several opportunities for relaxation, doing different sports, walking, talking, making friends, having programs together, like cooking or watching a film in a garden… the possibilities are endless, if you can motivate people enough to participate. And what if you have a place like that in or around your school? When establishing a school garden you can not only offer a nice place for students where they can spend their free time, but children can develop personal responsibility as well when looking after it together. And what if you start teaching different subjects in the garden? You can not only make your lessons varied and more exciting, but offer a greater chance for students with learning difficulties or other disadvantages to experience success with the help of experimental learning.

In our course you can acquire and practice the methods of teaching outdoors: planning, establishing and using a school garden in teaching different subjects as well.


The course fee all in all is 650 Euro (including the leaders, administration, materials, travel within the course, accommodation in Hotel**** and Adventure Park Zsályaliget with full board)

Further information, registration

For further information or registration please write an e-mail:  erasmus@learninginnovation.hu

The course is going to run with at least 10 participants. The program and the datum may change due to changing circumstances.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
a.m. 10.00 meet in Budapest


12.30. arrive in Pogány

Our own garden – building materials, design Exploring the opportunities of using a garden in teaching Exploring the opportunities of using drama pedagogy in the garden Course evaluation
Closing ceremony
Creating our own garden
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
p.m. team-building Supplying and funding the garden – The importance of building a community Workshop: teaching outdoors Exploring the Adventure Park, learning outdoors 14.00 Departure


17.00 expected arrival in Budapest

Our own garden – planning Cooking together Visiting Pécs
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

A garden for wondering

Sustainability in schools, teaching outdoors

The importance of environmental protection and sustainability is gradually increasing in everyday life and in education as well, as we can achieve the greatest changes by changing the attitude of youngsters. You can acquire the methodology of teaching outdoors in our practice-oriented training and have a closer look at the everyday life of some schools using this program as well.

Most of the students in these elementary schools are socially disadvantaged children, growing up without the support of emotional and financial background of their families. Establishing school gardens and experiencing success in a short time from planting the first seeds to preparing the first meal together out of vegetables they grew can help building communities and finding new aims to achieve as well. Moreover we would like to help their career orientation by offering a possible way leading to agriculture and open their minds to natural science in general.


8/ 05/ 2017 – 12/05/ 2017        Registration deadline: 07/ 04/ 2017. (the event on Facebook is available at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1097933743598391/ )

24/ 09/ 2017 – 29/ 09/ 2017     Registration deadline: 25/ 08/ 2017. (the event on Facebook is available at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1144540885608269/ )


From Sunday to Tuesday in Mád, which lies in a valley in a historical winemaking region close to Tokaj, the home of tokaji aszú. The village is surrounded by hills with vineyards as long as the eye can see. Accommodation: https://uragyavendeghaz.hu/hu/


From Sunday to Tuesday in Mád, which lies in a valley in a historical winemaking region close to Tokaj, the home of tokaji aszú. The village is surrounded by hills with vineyards as long as the eye can see. Accommodation: https://uragyavendeghaz.hu/hu/


3/ 10/ 2016 – 7/ 10/ 2016. Registration deadline for the autumn course: 5/ 09/ 2016.

The course starts on 3 October 2016. Meeting point is in Budapest. (the event on Facebook is available at: https://www.facebook.com/events/263563994006917/ )

10/ 04/ 2017 – 14/ 04/ 2017 Registration deadline: 10/ 03/ 2017 (the event on Facebook is available at: https://www.facebook.com/events/154388831634971/ )

9/ 10/ 2017 – 13/ 10/ 2017 Registration deadline: 08/ 09/ 2017 (the event on Facebook is available at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1866619963565258/ )


In the estate of Hotel**** and Adventure Park Zsályaliget, Pogány, which offers a perfect venue for the course with the varied landscape of meadows and forests, valleys and hills, springs, streams and a pond. Popular destinations in the region are:

Villány, famous for its viniculture and wines

the fortress in Siklós, built in the 13th century, and restored these days

Pécs, the European Capital of Culture in 2010


The course fee all in all is 650 Euro (including the leaders, administration, materials, travel within the course, accommodation with full board)

Further information, registration

For further information or registration please write an e-mail: erasmus@learninginnovation.hu

The course is going to run with at least 10 participants. The program and the datum may change due to changing circumstances.

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
a.m. Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
Introductory of the program Learning in nature from nature
excursion in Döge
How to guide, how to ask Visiting an organic farm,
health and eating
Leaving Mád closing ceremony
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
p.m. Walk in and around Mád, discovering the beauty of the landscape School visit: an extracurricular lesson in the school of Döge School visit: an extracurricular lesson in the school of Legyesbénye School visit: an extracurricular lesson, making experiments with children 14.00 departure


16.30 expected arrival in Budapest

15.00. meet in Budapest


18.00 arrive in Mád

A walk in a sustainable school Arrive in Balástya, estate Kóbor-Ló if wished, you can spend the afternoon in Szeged and have an extra night in Balástya
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
team-building Transnational evening Leisure Leisure Leisure


Erasmus – A garden for wondering
Final registration

Please fill in the details and fully register for the course. If you have any questions, please  send an e-mail to: erasmus@learninginnovation.hu

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